What foods contain vitamin B12?

We can get Vitamin B12 from animal products, such as meat, fish, poultry, eggs, and dairy products. Some other plant-based foods, such as cereals may also contain vitamin B12. Please check below what all food contain vitamin B12.

  • Beef Meat liver

  • Salmon Fish

  • Tuna Fish

  • Chicken

  • Eggs

  • Milk

  • Yogurt

  • Cheese

  • Some breakfast cereals

  • Soy milk

Vitamin B12, also called cobalamin, Vitamin B-12 is a water-soluble vitamin. This means it can dissolve in water and travel through the bloodstream. Any excess or unwanted vitamin B-12 is excreted in the urine.

Health Benefits of Taking VitaminB12

  • Supports Heart health
  • Supports Healthy Cognitive Abilities
  • Blood support
  • Boosts Metabolic Activities
  • Supports the Immune System
  • Boosts Energy

If you are vegetarian or vegan, get enough vitamin B12 through supplements, as plant-based sources of B12 are limited.



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